Being in the present moment in a state of openness and curiosity is where healing can begin.




“Melinda has been such a stabilizing force in my life since I have moved to LA.  She goes above and beyond with her clients, and deeply cares about everyone. It’s as if she has made a space in her heart for each person, and it’s profoundly healing to feel seen and heard by her. Her ability to combine the emotional/psychological with the physical is outstanding, and makes the process of whatever it is you are working through more efficient and long lasting.

I have never been so aware of what it’s like to be in the parasympathetic nervous system - a deep state of relaxation and quietude so necessary for healing. Melinda gets you there. She knows the body so well and is not only my favorite bodyworker ever, but a great guide through the deeper levels of trauma and inner challenge we all experience in life. She has supported me kindly through the remapping of many of my ingrained childhood patterns and continues to “hold my hand” through the everlasting journey called life.”

Heather Lilleston, Yoga Teacher, LA

“I had been searching for something that was just for me. I was in in need of a good self-care and maintenance routine and finding some kind of body worker was at the top of my list. Finding Melinda and Somatic Experiencing was a true gift from the Universe. I won’t presume to understand the deep realms that she taps into but I will gladly be the beneficiary from her years of training both as a practitioner and as a dedicated spiritual person.

My body was holding onto a lot of trauma when I first started somatic healing therapy and through our regular session with Melinda I have been able to release deep tension and distress that had been attacking my nervous system for years. I grew up surrounded by a lot of alternative medicine and wisdom and therefore I am very attuned to anything disingenuous so was please when I realized Melinda did not claim not be a healer, rather she creates a space for self-healing. She hold a space for a very deep level using her training and intuition to create the ideal environment to allow each individual safe passage through their own personal healing journey whilst gently guiding the experience. I have recommended her to countless people who have also benefited from her gifts. Melinda comes with the highest recommendations from me for anyone wishing to engage in their own personal healing journey.”

— Mereki Beach, Musician and Co-Founder of Be Kind, Australia and LA


“Melinda London is a Somatic Touch practitioner of great integrity. She has developed her own style of work from years of experience as a body worker combined with the latest neurophysiological approach of Somatic Experiencing. She has a myriad of experience throughout her career, acquiring skills from the very best teachers in the field.

Melinda is a very compassionate, attuned and spiritual human. Her tender approach, combined with her certitude about helping a soul work through unresolved issues of the past or present, is a great combination for a very safe and consistent practitioner.”

— Victoria Mihich, MFT, SEP, LA

“I was suffering from intense Chronic Pain, and at the same time I experienced a deeply challenging personal trauma. I tried everything for the pain but I would only get temporary relief from the chiropractor, the acupuncturist, massage therapy and physical therapy. It wasn’t shifting and I could feel I was frozen in my trauma because I was in so much pain. I was desperate for relief but I was also very clear that I needed something to sustain my sense of well-being.

It was an incredible experience working with Melinda. She created such a safe space and her wisdom and compassion made me feel like I was not alone which allowed me to be vulnerable and open. It enabled me to trust the process which could feel challenging as I healed.

From the first session Melinda introduced skills to help me not exacerbate my pain and not go back in the thought patterns in an agitated and desperate way. That, along with all her other support, allowed me, little by little, to be guided through the process to sustain relief between sessions and ultimately feel and get better. I feel working with her was a gift of healing.”

— Colleen Flynn Larson, Artist, LA


“On my own personal journey of healing and learning how to help others to heal, I ran into Melinda, a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, with a skillful touch, and even more valuable, an intuition that I cannot describe . She’s able to attune to a person’s energy to pick upon imbalances. Furthermore, she uses a line of inquiry grounded by her intuition and touch to ease the problem to the surface where it can be absolved.

Melinda has helped me expand my awareness on the possibilities for human potential to heal. I have experienced first hand the power of attuned words and touch for real holistic healing and it has changed my life.”

— Alex Lui, Physical Therapist and Somatic Experiencing Student, LA